
Information | Map

The Iskar municipality is located in North-Central Bulgaria in western part of Pleven District. It is situated in the southern part of the Danube Plain on both sides of the Iskar River course. Its territory is crossed by the second-class road connecting the ferryboats of Vidin and Oryahovo to Central and Southern Bulgaria; this road crosses also the first-class road Sofia - Rousse. Road transport is the main type of transport.

The Municipality consists of municipal center town of Iskar and 3 villages - Dolni Lukovit, Pisarovo and Staroseltsi.

Remains of the Kaleto old Roman settlement are found at 1.5 km to the north of the town of Iskar, where also late-Roman Empire coins of 4 - 5 c. have been found, as well as household utensils and adornments. The fact that this Roman settlement used to have connection to the Roman city of Ulpia-Escus is evidenced by the Roman road leading to it.

There are natural conditions in the municipality, which are conducive to diversification of the tourist services and improvement of their quality. Favorable conditions for hunting and fishing tourism are in municipality Iskur.

Cities and villages in Iskar municipality: Village of Dolni Lukovit, Town of Iskar, Village of Pisarovo, Village of Staroseltsi

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