Borders: Bulgaria borders on the Black Sea to the east, Greece and Turkey to the south, the Republic of Macedonia and Serbia to the west and Romania to the north. The total length of the state border is 2,245 km, of which 1,181 km are land, 686 km — river (mainly on the River Danube) and 378 km — marine.
Area: 110 910 km² Climate: : The average temperatures in January are from -2 to 2ºС in the plains and up to -10 ºС in the mountains, for July they are 19-25ºС in the plains and about 10ºС in the higher parts of the mountains.
Population: 7 640 000 people Ethnical composition: Bulgarians - 85.8 %, Turks - 9.7 %, Roma people - 3.4 %, Russians - 0.3 %, Armenians - 0.2 %, other - 0.6 %.
Official language: Bulgarian
Religion: Christian (Eastern Orthodox)
Capital: Sofia
Administrative division: 28 districts
Major cities: Varna, Plovdiv, Bourgas, Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Blagoevgrad
Political system: parliamentary republic
Currency: lev (BGN); 2 BGN = 1 EUR
Transport: roads –37.3 thou. km, Airports: Sofia, Varna, Bourgas, Plovdiv; Sea ports: Varna, Bourgas; River ports – Ruse
Telephone code: +359
Internet domain: .bg
Public holidays:
1 January (New Year)
3 March (Liberation from the Turkish rule)
1 May (Labour Day)
6 May (St. George’s Day; Day of the Courage of the Bulgarian army)
24 May (Day of the Slavonic literacy and culture)
6 September (Bulgarian unification)
22 September (Declaration of the Independence)
1 November (Day of the National Revival Leaders)
24 December (Christmas Eve)
25, 26 December (Christmas)