Cities and resorts >> Tutrakan


Information | Map

Tutrakan municipality is part of Silistra district. It covers an area of 440 sq. m located in the north-eastern part of the Danube plain. It includes the municipal centre town of Toutrakan and 15 villages: Antimovo, Belitsa, Brenitsa, Varnentsi, Dounavets, Nova Cherna, Pozharevo, Preslavtsi, Staro Selo, Syanovo, Turnovtsi, Tsar Samouil, Tsarev Dol and Shoumentsi.

According to the climatic division of Bulgaria the lowland of Toutrakan region belongs to the temperate continental climatic region.

Cities and villages in Tutrakan municipality: Village of Antimovo, Village of Belitsa, Village of Brenitsa, Village of Dunavets, Village of Nova Cherna, Village of Pojarevo, Village of Preslavtsi, Village of Shumentsi, Village of Staro selo, Village of Syanovo, Village of Tarnovtsi, Village of Tsar Samuil, Village of Tsarev dol, Town of Tutrakan, Village of Varnentsi

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