Bulgarian caves >> Cave Gradeshnishka peshtera

Cave Gradeshnishka peshtera

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Cave Gradeshnishka peshtera is formed as a result of the dissolution and dilution of the limestone from the waters of the underground Gradeshnishka River. The accessible tunnel of the cave is 780m long. The different galleries are decorated with fabulous cave formations. Here can be seen a chandelier, constructed from a number of silvery stalagmites, different stone draperies, and the ceiling of the big hall is decorated with hundreds of thin white and pink stalactites, which resemble petrified rain.

Among the stalactites rises a big stalactone as if specially created to support the ceiling. In one of the corners of the terraced hall nature has sculptured a wonderful decor from a stage of an underground children’s theatre. In one of the basins, filled with crystal clear water, lie 2 cave pearls. The tourists always leave with unforgettable impressions from the natural formations.

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