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In the outskirts of Razgrad one of the greatest archaeological objects in the country is situated – the town of Abritus. There was a Thracian settlement in this place in ancient times. In the I century, a big Roman army camp was built there, which later developed into Roman city. In the next two centuries the city become one of the most developed cultural and economic centers. In 251 the Goths captured the city and killed emperor Decius Trajanus. At the end of the 6-th century the Avars destroyed the city. In the period between the 7-th and 10-th centuries a Bulgarian settlement existed there. Abritus is typical ancient Roman city with straight streets, a central square with public buildings, fortified with a wall, with high residential buildings, drainage and fresh water-supply system, interesting colonnades, a market street with shops and others. All the archeological finds discovered there, are exhibited in the local museum.

Museum Association “Itineraries of cultural tourism – Eastern Bulgaria” 2004

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