Cities and resorts >> Rakitovo


Information | Map
Municipality of Rakitovo is situated in the Western Rodopi Mountains, in the southeastern part of Chepinska valley at an altitude of 811 m and covers an area of 257,799 decares. The "Burdo" hill occupies an area in the southeastern part of the town and to the south, a vast forest park called "The Park" can be found. Forest fund covers an area of 198,220 decares, which is 77 % of the territory of the municipality. There are trees like: white pine, fir tree and spruce.

The climate is mild and typical for mountain with average altitude; the average annual temperature is 80 C.
Approximately half of municipality citizens live in the municipal center - town of Rakitovo and others in other settlements included in municipality - villages of Dorkovo and Kostandovo.

Cities and villages in Rakitovo municipality: Village of Dorkovo, Town of Kostandovo, Town of Rakitovo
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