Cities and resorts >> Kaspichan


Information | Map

The Kaspichan Municipality is located in the south-eastern part of Shoumen District. Its administrative centre town of Kaspichan is 20 km away from Shoumen, 67 km away from Varna and 120 km away from Rousse. The altitude varies between 80 m and 410 m above sea level. The climate is moderate continental. The impact of the sea can be felt along the valley of the Kamenitsa River. The region of Kaspichan is rich in limestone. There are phosphorus deposits as well. The territory of the municipality is intersected by the route of Hemous highway. Some important national roads traversing the Municipality are: Rousse - Varna; Sofia - Varna; Sofia - Bourgas; Silistra - Shoumen - Yambol. The railway junction in the town of Kaspichan has a key role in the communication and transport of North-Eastern Bulgaria.

Kaspichan Municipality comprises Pliska National Historical and Architectural Reserve and a part of Madara National Historical and Architectural Reserve. In the western foot of the Madara Plateau, 1.5 km east of the village of Madara Madara National Historical and Architectural Reserve is located.

Cities and villages in Kaspichan municipality: Town of Kaspichan, Village of Kaspichan, Village of Kosovo, Village of Kyulevcha, Village of Markovo, Village of Mogila, Town of Pliska, Village of Vurbyane, Village of Zlatna niva

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