Cities and resorts >> Letnitsa


Information | Map

The Letnitsa Municipality is located in the northernmost and flat part of Lovetch District (North-Central Bulgaria). The munciaplity consists of 1 town (Letnitsa) and 3 villages. The conditional boundary that separates the Danubian Plain from the Northern Balkan Range passes through its territory.

Letnitsa is developing as an agricultural area. The favorable climate pre-determines the growing of grains, fodder, industrial crops and fruit. Private farmers grow raspberries and strawberries in an area covering 1,000,000 sq. m.

The biggest regional tourist attraction site, which has been declared a natural site, is the Marata Forest Park. It includes: The Kroushoun Karst Waterfall, which is approximately 15 m high; the biggest water limestone cascade in the country; the second-biggest water cave and a number of other caves. A mineral spring with 15,5 l/sec debit was discovered very close to the Forest Park. The water temperature is 58°C.

Cities and villages in Letnitsa municipality: Village of Gorsko Slivovo, Village of Karpachevo, Village of Krushuna, Town of Letnitsa

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