Top sights in Bulgaria >> Еthnographic museums >> Tracian-roman >> The Kabile National Archeological Reserve

The Kabile National Archeological Reserve

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It is 8 km to the north-west of Yambol.
Since 1972, regular archeological excavation works have been conducted here. As a result, tourists can observe the remainders of the ancient town of Kabile – one of the greatest and most important towns of Thrace in Antiquity. It appeared in the IV c. BC and existed until the Middle Ages.

Its visitors can see a sanctuary, ruins of fortification walls and gate from the Hellenic age (6-th – 2-nd century BC); a fortified military camp and its campus consisting of public premises and barracks from Roman age (3-rd – 4-th century); Roman baths with hypocaust; two basilicas from the Early Christianity period, one of them with colorful floor mosaics and other ruins from the ancient city.

There is also a museum in the Kabile Preserve. The museum covers an area of 960 sq.m and its permanent exhibition reflects the historical development of the antique town. It has a conference hall, which can seat 60, for scientific symposia, conferences, etc.

There is modern archaeological station built in the preserve with ideal conditions for scientific work.

Open: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Museum Association “Itineraries of cultural tourism – Eastern Bulgaria” 2004

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